On-Demand: Legal Lunch and Learn Webinar Series

Nursing facilities and assisted living communities are a target for litigation in today’s climate. In this six-part webinar series, attendees will take home recommendations for avoiding litigation and lowering litigation costs.



On-Demand: Legal Lunch and Learn Webinar Series

Content: Register for individual webinars via the links below or save when you register for the six-part bundle on this page.

Part 1 | Mitigating Litigation Risk |This webinar will provide a comprehensive understanding of litigation risks specific to long-term care and equip participants with the skills to identify potential sources of litigation; communicate and document effectively to prevent misunderstandings and reduce risks; and successfully manage crisis situations.

Part 2 | Managing Managed CareAs managed care continues to grow, this session will explore strategies to help providers succeed in this new environment. Participants will understand managed care, both Medicaid and Medicare, as well as new emerging plans and payer types. Participants will learn how to better position themselves in this new environment, and develop new strategies of collaboration supported by NHCA and AHCA.

Part 3| Voter ID and What to expect for 2024 Election Season| This webinar will provide information on the implementation of LB 514 and what members need to be aware of prior to the upcoming spring primary election on May 14, 2024, for nursing facility and assisted living community residents.

Part 4 | Hiring International Nurses | This presentation will cover the requirements and application process for employers to hire and sponsor international nurses to work in the U.S.  The information will cover both the benefits and potential obstacles to hiring foreign workers.  The presentation will include a discussion of the employer's obligations and the general costs associated with sponsoring foreign workers.

Part 5 | Binding Arbitration Agreements | This webinar will discuss binding arbitration agreements in assisted living facilities and nursing facilities. Learn what arbitration agreements are, the benefits of arbitration agreements, the laws and requirements regarding arbitration agreements, how to avoid deficiencies related to your facility’s arbitration agreement, and how your facility can improve its arbitration agreement and/or process for residents signing your facility’s arbitration agreement.

Part 6 | Q&A with NHCA Legal Counsel: Recent Developments in Healthcare | This webinar will discuss recent developments affecting assisted living and nursing facilities. Matters discussed include OSHA standards, staffing agency contracts, ownership disclosure for nursing facilities, hospital discharge, proposed assisted living regulations, and lawsuits.

Objectives: At the completion of the training, the participant will be able to: 

  1. Discuss litigation risks specific to long-term care
  2. Understand managed care for long-term care and post-acute care
  3. Explain the implementation of voter identification in Nebraska
  4. Determine if hiring international nurses is a viable option for their employer
  5. Identify how their facility can improve its arbitration agreement and/or process for residents signing their facility's arbitration agreement
  6. Discuss how facilities address current issues in healthcare

Audience: This program is appropriate for administrators, owners, directors, team leaders, and directors of nursing in skilled nursing facilities and assisted living communities.

Facilitator: Connie Knorr, RN, BSN, Curriculum Development and Learning Manager

Format: Virtual only. The recordings and handouts are linked in the "Education" tab of your member profile. If you need technical assistance, please call 402-435-3551 or email [email protected]

Registration Information: Registration includes the full six-part webinar series. If you wish to confirm your registration, call the NNFA/NALA office at 402-435-3551. 

On-Demand Registration Fee (continuing education credit included):  Member   Non-Member
 Full Six-Part Webinar Series  $270    $540
 Per Individual Webinar  $60    $120


CE Credit: 4.5 hours of continuing education are available for attending the full series. Please defer to your licensing board or agency to ensure courses taken meet your license requirements.

Evaluations: Please provide feedback on the course by completing the evaluation. A link to the online evaluation will be emailed to registrants.

Cancellation Policy: Substitution, cancellation, and refund policies can be found at this link.

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