On-Demand: Navigate Nebraska's NEW Medicaid PDPM Rate

Beginning July 1, 2023, Nebraska Medicaid will begin paying nursing facility rates that are calculated with the nursing component of a resident’s Medicare Patient Driven Payment Model (PDPM) level of care, instead of the resident’s RUG III casemix level of care. This training offers nursing facility leaders the opportunity to understand this change, the need for accurate and complete MDS assessments, and the impact of this change on Medicaid reimbursement rates.



Using the MDS to Navigate Nebraska's NEW Medicaid PDPM Rate - On-Demand Webinar 

After registering, find the recording and handouts on the "Education" tab of your account profile.

Content: Beginning July 1, 2023, Nebraska Medicaid will begin paying nursing facility rates that are calculated with the nursing component of a resident’s Medicare Patient Driven Payment Model (PDPM) level of care, instead of the resident’s RUG III casemix level of care. This training offers nursing facility leaders the opportunity to understand this change, the need for accurate and complete MDS assessments, and the impact of this change on Medicaid reimbursement rates.  

Objectives: At the completion of the training, the participant will be able to: 

  • Discuss the importance of accurately completing the Resident Interview Process as described in the MDS 3.0 User’s Manual
  • Identify the PDPM care levels that will be utilized by Nebraska Medicaid
  • Discuss the differences between Nebraska Medicaid RUG III and PDPM levels of care  
  • Identify the MDS fields that translate into specific PDPM levels and the nursing component of each
  • Discuss the importance of accurate documentation, observation, and recording changes and tasks performed on the MDS, including Section GG

Audience: This program is appropriate for MDS nurses, Administrators, DONs and other leaders.

Facilitator: Kathy Sanders, RN, RAC-CT, Sanders Consulting

Format: Virtual only. This is a previously recorded webinar. A link to access the recording will be available on your account profile upon registration.

Registration Fee (continuing education credit included):
Members         $55

CE Credit: 1.5 hours of continuing education is available. Please defer to your licensing board or agency to ensure courses taken meet your license requirements.

Evaluations: Please provide feedback on the course by completing the evaluation following the training.

Cancellation Policy: Substitution, cancellation, and refund policies can be found at this link.

This is a members-only event. You must log in to your member account to register.

Registration not available.