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According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Nebraska’s nursing homes and assisted living communities lost more than 2,500 positions between February 2020 and December 2022. 

Nationally, over the next decade, the need for nurse aides is expected to increase by more than 212,000 per year, registered nurses to increase by more than 200,000 per year, and licensed practical nurses by almost 59,000 per year.

The workforce crisis, which was exacerbated by the pandemic, has impacted long-term care more than any other health care sector. 

Join the Nebraska Nursing Facility Association and Nebraska Assisted Living Association in brainstorming creative solutions to the long-term care workforce crisis at the 2023 Innovation Summit Quick Pitch. Download flyer.

Inspired by the show “Shark Tank,” this Quick Pitch competition challenges participants to provide a two-minute action-oriented description of a business venture designed to solve the following problem statement: Nursing homes and assisted living communities are experiencing a workforce crisis and need innovative recruitment and retention strategies.

Application deadline extended! Please apply by Thursday, Sept. 7.

Quick Pitch Application

Competition Details

Monday, Sept. 18, 2023
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. – Practice Pitch to Attendees
12:30 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. – Present to Judges
2:15 p.m. – Winner Announced

Nebraska Innovation Campus
2021 Transformation Drive
Lincoln, Nebraska 68508

$500 First Place Prize
Sponsored by  

Open to anyone with an idea — students, entrepreneurial thinkers, and problem solvers!

Quick Pitch Details

This event will use a quick pitch format designed to solve the following problem statement: Nursing homes and assisted living communities are experiencing a workforce crisis and need innovative recruitment and retention strategies. A quick pitch, sometimes known as an elevator pitch, is a two-minute action-oriented description of a business venture (for profit, non-profit, side gig, etc.) designed to:

  • Engage the interest of the audience
  • Persuade them to participate in the business venture as you see fit (i.e., as an investor, customer, partner, referral source, etc.)

Competition Structure

  • Only 1 person may pitch if part of a team venture
  • No electronic props or notecards allowed
  • Limit of 2 minutes to pitch to the judges
  • Limit of 1 minute for the judge to ask questions

Format and Judging

  • An effective quick pitch should address the following questions:
    • What is your idea?
      Briefly describe your idea. Do not go into excruciating detail.
    • Who is your target audience? 
      Briefly discuss who would be affected by the idea.  
    • Who is your competition?
      Briefly discuss what competition or barriers would be faced by utilizing this idea. 
    • How would this idea create competitive advantage?
      Effectively communicate how your idea is different and why you have an advantage over the competition.  An improved distribution channels?  Key partners?  Proprietary technology?
    • What is your revenue model?
      More simply, how do you expect to make money?
  • How should a Quick Pitch sound?
    • It should not sound memorized or robotic, but it should be well-rehearsed.
    • Be excited about what you are pitching so that you have the highest possibility of engaging the audience.
  • Presentations will be judged on the competitors’ ability to both address the key components of the idea, answer the judges’ questions regarding the idea, and present their idea creatively, clearly, and concisely.  

For questions about the 2023 Innovation Summit Quick Pitch competition, contact [email protected] or 402-435-3551.

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